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Principal Investigators


Dr. Melissa Colloff, Lecturer

I conducted postgraduate research on the influence of alcohol intoxication on face recognition and completed a PhD examining how police lineup techniques for distinctive suspects influence eyewitness identification accuracy. During my education, I worked on applied and theoretical research projects at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, The University of Leicester, UK and University of California, San Diego. After completing a PhD with Dr Kimberley Wade at Warwick University, I worked with Dr Heather Flowe on a funded project which examined whether a novel identification procedure can improve face recognition accuracy. I have been a Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at the University of Birmingham since 2018.

@melissa colloff

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Dr. Heather Flowe, Senior Lecturer

I did graduate work on false and true rape allegations and then completed a PhD on the effects of simultaneous and sequential lineups on eyewitness identification accuracy. I subsequently completed a UC Faculty Fellowship on the role of witness testimony on felony case processing. I then worked at the University of Leicester and Loughborough University before taking up the post of Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham.


Postgraduate Students 

Chloe Morris
MSc Student

My name is Chloe Morris and I graduated from the University of Birmingham this year with a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology. I am currently a masters student who is working with the Applied Memory Lab here at Birmingham for my public engagement project.



Danielle Hett, PhD Candidate

I am a third-year PhD student at the University of Birmingham, working with Dr Heather Flowe in the Applied Cognition Lab. Prior to my PhD, I graduated from Loughborough University with a BSc (hons) in Psychology with Ergonomics. Following this, I completed a PGCERT in Low Intensity Psychological Interventions and worked as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner within the NHS. After a few years working in different mental health services, I then completed a Masters in Psychological Research Methods at the University of Leicester.   

My current research is focused on the role of metacognitive beliefs in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I am also a board member for the UK Psychological Trauma Society (UKPTS) and the Crisis, Trauma, & Disaster Section of the British Psychological Society.


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Sarah Rockowitz,

PhD Student


I am a second-year PhD student at the University of Birmingham working with Dr. Heather Flowe in the Applied Memory Lab. Prior to the PhD, I graduated from the University of Edinburgh with an MSc in health policy and from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with an MSPH in social and behavioral interventions in international health. 


My current research is focused on rape survivorship in Kenya and enabling survivors to tell their stories.




Laura Stevens, PhD Student


I am a first year PhD student, supervised by Dr. Heather Flowe and Dr. Melissa Colloff within the Applied Memory Lab. My thesis will investigate the use of innovative investigative interviewing techniques to collect memory evidence. Prior to my PhD I graduated from the University of Birmingham with an MSc in Psychology (with Distinction) and from the University of Cambridge with a BA in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences.



Madeleine Ingham,

MSc Student


I recently completed my BSc psychology (Hons) at Oxford Brookes university, and have joined the Applied Memory Lab to investigate memory processes in children.





Tia Bennett,

MSc Student

I recently completed my undergraduate degree in Psychology at Aston University and I am now on a 1+3 ESRC studentship programme at the University of Birmingham, starting with a Masters in Social Research.

My PhD project is in collaboration with the National VIPER Bureau (Video Identification Parade Electronic Recording) and aims to determine how police in the UK should construct identification parades to maximise eyewitness identification accuracy.

Aleena Mahmood, 

MSci Psychology and Psychologogical Research

I am a fourth-year MSCi Research student at the University of Birmingham. Currently, I am working alongside Dr. Melissa Colloff to complete my research project -  ‘investigating police lineup techniques for suspects with distinctive features’.


Masayuki (Edward Masa Yuki) Hirata,

MSc Student

I graduated from the University of Birmingham with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology. Currently, I am assisting with various projects under the Applied Memory Lab.


Ellie Reid,

MSc Student

I completed my BSc (Hons) Psychology degree at the University of Birmingham this year and I am continuing on to do a Msc in Psychology, working with the Applied Memory lab to complete my research project.

ForenPsyD Students 


Amna Salman, 

Forensic Psychology

Prac FT


Catharine Powis,

Forensic Psychology

Prac FT


Brittany Gibbs, 

Forensic Psychology Prac FT


Georgia Roughton,

Forensic Psychology Prac FT


Lucy Whaley,

Forensic Psychology Prac FT

Undergraduate Students 


Jessica Cotton

I am a third year BSc Psychology student at Cardiff University, currently undergoing my placement year with the Applied Memory Lab here at the University of Birmingham. At present, I am working on innovative interviewing techniques within Forensic Psychology.


Megan Burkinshaw

I am a third year BSc psychology student at the University of Birmingham, currently volunteering to work with Dr Melissa Colloff investigating object similarity in line-ups. I hope to stay at the University to complete a masters after my undergraduate degree.

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Cody Varnish

I am a final year BSc Psychology student at the University of Birmingham, hoping to go on to complete postgraduate training in clinical psychology with a deep-seated interest in later working in a forensic setting.


Georgina Atkinson, 

Forensic Psychology Prac FT


Bethany Campbell,

Forensic Psychology Prac FT


Poonam Garg,

Forensic Psychology Prac FT


Daniella Mousicos 



Dr. Travis Seale-Carlisle, Post-Doctoral Researcher 

I received my BSc Psychology (Hons) degree from the University of California, San Diego, and completed my PhD at Royal Holloway, University of London. I research eyewitness memory by 1) applying ROC analysis to forensically relevant experimental designs, and 2) testing new theories of eyewitness accuracy (e.g., the diagnostic feature-detection hypothesis). 




Dr. Mussaffa Butt, Post-Doctoral Researcher

I received my M.Phil. (Psychology) and Ph.D. degrees from GC University, Lahore, Pakistan (a part of my Ph.D. was completed in department of experimental psychology, University of Oxford, UK). I research substance abuse and eyewitness memory by applying mixed methods approach and by testing new theories of eyewitness accuracy.



Chloe Morris,

MSc Student

My name is Chloe Morris and I graduated from the University of Birmingham this year with a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology. I am currently a masters student who is working with the Applied Memory Lab here at Birmingham for my public engagement project.

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Byron Lee,

BSc Psychology 

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Theo Jores,

MSc Psychology 

Theo graduated in 2018. 


Katie Summers,

MSc Psychology

Katie graduated in 2018. 


Catrin Williams,

Forensic Psychology Prac FT

I am in my final year of Doctoral research and my current research area is in misinformation and suggestibility in children. In practice, I work mainly in offender rehabilitation, mental health and victim support.


Kathryn Rowsell, Forensic Psychology Prac FT


Kara Deering,

Forensic Psychology Prac FT


Tracy Ngheim - MSc Psychology 


Rosalind Berry 


Victoria Parker


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